Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Who Mentored You?

There are different days, weeks, and months known for different things, such as World AIDS Day and Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Well, I bet that you did not know that January is National Mentoring Month!

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One of the best things I did in college was join a mentoring program. My junior year I joined one on my schools campus, and quickly became close with Nikki. It wasn't very long before I was officially accepted into the mentoring program and Nikki and I became a mentor/mentee pair. I couldn't have imagined a better mentee. We were very similar in our taste in music and a lot of the things we liked. She helped me when I was ice skating for the first time in many years, and we learned to snowboard together. We also share many of the same mannerisms, and so I feel like she reminds me a lot of myself when I was in my early teens. I even was asked on campus once if she was my younger sister.

It doesn't take a lot to make a difference in someones life. Just a phone call and a few hours together one day a week can really make more of an impact than you might be aware.

So take time this month to thank someone who mentored you. And take someone under your wing and mentor them.

You'll be glad you did. Happy Mentoring Month!

1 comment:

  1. I mentored throughout college, and it was one of the most rewarding things I've ever done!
